It really does take a village....

The world can be a strange place for a new and "new again" parents---especially finding that balance between your old life and new life. Any tips would be helpful so please share!

102 and counting...

So my little angel is not a complainer. She is currently cutting four teeth. The pediatrician will tell you that they don't run fever when they are teething, but trust me---THEY DO! So, anyhooo back to it--she has been fussy to say the least. Well, all the sudden she had yellow ooze coming from her eyes so we took her to the doctor. She had an ear infection in both ears. I just thought it was the teething! They gave her an antibiotic. She took that for two days and she still would wake up with eyes matted shut. So we called the doc again and they gave her a different antibiotic.
Here's what you should know about this:
When you switch antibiotics you are starting over completely. It's like the infection is brand new again.
She started running a fever that day. That night it went up to 102. Her heart was beating so fast it really scared me. Also, she was panting. I was FREAKING. We called the after hours line and the doctor told us that this is normal. Ya hear that??? Very rapid heartbeat is normal for babies with fever.
I was relieved finding this out. The doc told us to give her a dose and a half of tylenol and let her rest and if it reaches 104 to call again or go to the emergency room. Also, that anything under 102 is considered a low grade fever. Stripping them down to diaper and socks and putting a wet wash cloth on their head or back or chest helps draw the fever out as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh, welcome to parenthood, MOMMA!! You both have done a wonderful job so far, in spite of the fact that it sometimes IS NOT EASY!!! You three just keep on loving each other and listen to you heart on what to do when, as you get advice from all over the place!! She is TRULY a blessing and was 'meant to be', so hang in there during the bad times and treasure the good ones, for they are wonderfully precious! We love the family that is "Kristi, Justin and Elanor Scott" !!!
    Momma G
