It really does take a village....

The world can be a strange place for a new and "new again" parents---especially finding that balance between your old life and new life. Any tips would be helpful so please share!

Food Ideas for Toddlers?

Her taste buds are changing and I'm not sure the direction.  I'm trying to talk to other mothers and find out what works for them.  I remember when I was at a complete loss over what to feed her.  I'm open to suggestions at this point.  This is what is working for me so far and I thought I would share.  :)

BREAKFAST:  we are a banana or applesauce first, plain oatmeal second family.  She eats it every morning without fail and still loves it.

Easy Mac:  When your kid start screaming and you have nothing prepared....bust it out!

Morningstar Veggie Patties.  They are jam packed with soy, broccoli, carrots........she gets her entire day's serving with this.

Quesadillas:  if it has sour cream on it, she eats it.  Is that weird?  Maybe it's the cheese.

Wheat pasta with veg:  the trick is to steam some broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower then puree them down and mix them in the tomato sauce.  We use the spiral wheat pasta and just toss in the sauce....grains/veg all in one!

Hummus on toast. 

Chicken nuggets:  FYI---Some companies will actually grind up the bones in there--EWW! We try our best to read the packaging carefully.

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich on wheat toast.  Grill it to make it fancy!

Grilled Cheese:  adults love 'em too!

Pasta Salad:  just use your imagination with some Italian dressing.

the old standby:

Fruit or Fruit Cups
Graham Crackers
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Regular Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Carrots
Sliced deli meat (turkey or chicken)
Whole Grain Waffles
Cheddar Cheese

I try to remember that just because she doesn't like it once, doesn't mean she won't like it ever so try to keep introducing it---even at the same sitting sometimes.  Also, toddlers tend to like some foods more when they get their molars, so watch out for those.

Also, I was shocked to learn that toddlers only need a couple of servings of protein, fruits, and vegetables a day, just a one or more tablespoons.  They need more diary servings and the most important---a grain at every meal.

Something that worked when she was just starting----

Banana Bites
Slice banana's in tiny bites.  Smear a little peanut butter on them (not too much for choking hazard), then roll in graham cracker crumbs.  YUM.